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How it feels to build your first project ~ Preve

how I built my first project preve and how it feels to make your very first product. Preve

So I had no idea what to build or how to build it until I had a chance to meet with @abhirajsinha. Guess what? He gave me an excellent idea: to build a chatbot for a specific use case. After thinking of it over for a day, I decided to create a “PDF summarizer” chatbot.

With full motivation to build my first product, I started working on Preve. It was quite challenging at first, but with excellent support which I got from my friends and inspiration from other product builders on Twitter, I didn’t stop and finally built it.

How does it feel? To be honest, it was an amazing experience, and I learned a lot from this project. I got 50+ users in one day and over 70 PDF uploads, which felt great! People are liking it. I discovered many bugs after the launch and am still working on making it even better.

~ Thank you!